In a groundbreaking move, SpaceX announced a mission that will take human spaceflight to new heights – literally. The private Crew Dragon mission, dubbed “Fram2”, will be the first to venture over the Earth’s poles, potentially launching before the year’s end.
Led by Chun Wang, a Chinese-born cryptocurrency entrepreneur with a passion for space exploration, the four-person crew also includes a polar explorer, a roboticist, and a filmmaker, all united by their love for adventure and the Earth’s poles.
A Polar Odyssey
The Fram2 mission, named after the iconic Norwegian research ship, will launch from SpaceX’s Florida facilities, soaring directly over the north and south poles. The mission’s timing, coinciding with the Antarctic summer solstice, will provide optimal lighting for observation and documentation.
The crew will travel aboard the aptly named Crew Dragon Endurance, fitted with a cupola for capturing breathtaking views and footage. This mission follows in the footsteps of previous private SpaceX ventures, like Jared Isaacman’s Inspiration4 and the upcoming Polaris Dawn.
From Bitcoin to the Cosmos
Wang’s journey to space began with an early interest in bitcoin mining. He founded China’s first bitcoin mining pool in 2013, F2Pool, and later spearheaded its decentralization. His success in the cryptocurrency world allowed him to pursue his lifelong fascination with space, leading him to purchase an entire SpaceX mission.
A Crew of Explorers
Wang’s crewmates share his passion for discovery and pushing boundaries:
- Jannicke Mikkelsen: A film director and cinematographer specializing in extreme environments, Mikkelsen is no stranger to adventure. She even served as a Payload Specialist on a record-breaking polar circumnavigation flight.
- Eric Philips: A seasoned polar adventurer and guide, Philips has led numerous expeditions to both poles. He’s also a co-founder of the International Polar Guides Association.
- Rabea Rogge: A robotics researcher based in Norway, Rogge’s work focuses on advancing technology for polar and space exploration.
Inspiring the Next Generation
This historic mission aims to deepen our understanding of Earth’s polar regions and ignite a passion for space exploration in others. As Mikkelsen eloquently puts it, “I’m amazed that you can now become a commercial astronaut. I wish I could tell that little girl who had to relearn to walk that she could one day become an astronaut.”