In the last few years, I have barely gone to see any animated movies in the theater. Being so focused on my 8-6, I had forgotten the magical experiences that touched one’s heart, that had a message, and the magic of everyday life. That was until I watched Wish.
While I entered the movie with the goal of finding a fault, there arent that many that the average movie goer could find. The inner wannabe animator did notice the static background, like 3D characters were running in a 2D background. Yes, the run time is around 90 minutes, but this is a movie for kids who need a larger attention span anyway.
But here is what Wish did really well: it woke up my inner child. Its simple and concise storytelling reminded me that we all once wished for something and that kids who cheered on the movie when it started and when it finished are who this movie is for. Not the mid-20-something-year-old writing this.
It did follow the hero’s journey, but what good storytelling doesn’t? I cannot fault them for this. Overall, the animation of the 3D characters is good, and the songs are short and exciting. Towards the end, there is also a Peter Pan reference. There are more that the viewers would find.
I liked the idea of a talking goat and a star, which doesn’t say much. Chris Pine did a fantastic job as the bad guy, and even before looking it up, I knew it was Chris Pine’s voice. Arianna Bose, who plays the main protagonist, Asha, expressed her emotions perfectly.
Just watch it with your Kiddo.