Ken Segall, the creative genius behind Apple’s iconic “i” prefix, has dropped a bombshell: he wants to kill his own creation! The man who brought us the iMac, iPod, and iPhone now thinks the “i” has overstayed its welcome.
In a surprising twist, Segall, the mastermind behind the “Think Different” campaign, now believes the “i” prefix is “meaningless” and should be retired. He even suggests renaming the iPhone to the Apple Phone, just like the Apple Watch and Apple TV. But hold on, what about the iPad and iMac? Apple Pad and Apple Mac just don’t have the same ring to it, do they?
Segall’s reasoning? The “i” has lost its original significance as a symbol of internet connectivity, and Apple has already started phasing it out with newer products. But is the world ready to bid farewell to the “i”?
Some fans are skeptical, arguing that the “i” has become synonymous with Apple’s innovative products and that changing the name would be like changing the recipe for grandma’s secret sauce. Others are open to the idea, suggesting that Apple could simply drop the prefix and keep the existing names, or perhaps come up with a completely new naming scheme.
So, what do you think? Is it time for Apple to say goodbye to the “i”? Or should it stick with the iconic branding that has helped it become a global tech giant? Let the debate begin!